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One to one Soul Energy Portraits are
an opportunity to experience a beautiful
art session in which your higher energies
will be seen as colours and images and
incorporated into your special portrait.
I have an art degree (2005, in Australia) and over 25 years experience in mixed media painting (and teaching).
I'm happy to now start offering these one to one portrait sessions, which include the ability I have long had to see beyond the norm...

Deborah, Soul Portrait, August 2024
You are welcome to get in touch to find out more or to book your portrait session, which will take between 45 minutes and one hour to complete.
Exchange: 39
Go to the Contact Me page or email me: shantigeorge11@gmail.com

"During my soul painting session I felt the presence of powerful spiritual beings offering me healing and love, it felt divine - and my headache disappeared. I also felt third eye expansion.
I'm grateful for the wonderful experience."
- Deborah L. - Glastonbury
Detail, Deborah, Soul Portrait